Design and base construction

  Our company offers almost the entire range of rigid PCBs. We offer a wide range of basic laminate thickness and copper foil, different colors of solder mask and serviceprint, several surface of finishes. Everything can be more or less arbitrary. If you do not have special requirements for the product or give the exact technical specifications, it is understood this basic form:

- base material VENTEC VT-47 1,55mm
- base Cu 18µm ( + plating ca 25µm )
- green soldermask
- white positionprint
- H.A.S.L. surface ( or in the case of fine SMD chemical golding )
- routing


  If a panelization is requested and the frame is not precisely specified by the customer, it will be made according to the design in the figure. The size of the frame is including the milling or grooving tool. A process frame below 7mm for a milled panel is mechanically unsuitable.


base stack-up of multilayer:


2-sided PCB´s, thickness 1,5mm, final Cu foil thickness 35µm
4-layer PCB´s, thickness 1,5mm, final Cu foil thickness 35µm

4-layer PCB´s, thickness 1,5mm, final Cu foil thickness 70µm
4-layer PCB´s, thickness 1,0mm, final Cu foil thickness 35µm

6-layer PCB´s, thickness 1,5mm, final Cu foil thickness 35µm
6-layer PCB´s, thickness 1,5mm, final Cu foil thickness 70µm

6-layer PCB´s, thickness 1,0mm, final Cu foil thickness 35µm

  company adress :
Žateckých 1532/7
140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika

  place of business :
Technologický park Běchovice
190 11 Praha 9, Česká republika

tel: + 420 222 729 257, + 420 222 590 402
fax: + 420 222 724 032