Analytical Laboratory


 Perfectly equipped analytical laboratory allows us to check values of chemical baths several times a day. We can react very quickly and provide immediate addition of chemicals to the bath without any chances of production inquality. We regularly monitor not only the values in electroplating baths, but also the quality and thickness of the surfaces in individual operations.



measured variables method device type manufacturer
 thickness of final finishes/composition of the solder X-ray spektrophotometer Fischerscope XDAL237 Helmut Fischer
 metal contents in the bath Atomic absorption spectrometer AA-7000 SHIMADZU
 The content of organic additives in electroplating baths cyclic voltametry CVS 797VA Computrace METROHM
 cross-sections of PCB´s metallurgical cross-section Metallurgical Microscop


  company adress :
Žateckých 1532/7
140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika

  place of business :
Technologický park Běchovice
190 11 Praha 9, Česká republika

tel: + 420 222 729 257, + 420 222 590 402
fax: + 420 222 724 032