I-Tera MT40

  I-Tera MT40 is suitable for many of today’s high speed digital and RF/microwave printed circuit designs. I-Tera MT40 features a dielectric constant (Dk) that is stable between -55°C and +125°C up to W-band frequencies. In addition, I-Tera MT40 offers a lower dissipation factor (Df) of 0.0031 making it a cost effective alternative to PTFE and other commercial microwave and high-speed digital laminate materials.


Basic material on stock I-TERA MT40 :

material (mm)/thickness Cu (µm) 18/18 35/35 Dk
0,100 3,53
0,127 3,36
0,200 3,53
0,254 3,38
0,254 3,45
0,254 3,75
0,300 3,53
0,508 3,38
0,508 3,45
0,508 3,75
1,524 3,38


prepreg 1035 56µm 67% Dk=3,28
prepreg 1067 (standard) 66µm 72% Dk=3,17
prepreg 1078 109µm 73% Dk=3,14


 material on stock in PragoBoard s.r.o.
  material only per order ( delivery 14 working days )
  Technical specification - I-TERA MT40

  company adress :
Žateckých 1532/7
140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika

  place of business :
Technologický park Běchovice
190 11 Praha 9, Česká republika

tel: + 420 222 729 257, + 420 222 590 402
fax: + 420 222 724 032