Orders receipt and data processing for SMT stencils


  you can use the order form


Data format : data in GERBER format (best RS274-X), or DXF format with accurate size of cutted pads

Name of SMT stencil : Single-valued and one and only name of SMT stencil, which will be engraved on to the stencil. As a standard, specification and date of production is engraved from the bottom side of the stencil, but it is also possible to be engraved from the top side.

Thickness of stencils : 80 - 250µm

Stencil format : different formats of stencils differ in size, shape of the contour, shape and location of clamping holes. The most common format is UNIPRINT, ZELFLEX, QUATTROFLEX or VectorGuard. These standard formats are entered in the our CAM database and is not necessary to send the template in the gerber data. But if you are using any modification of these frames, or other frame, it should be sent together with data for the stencil. Stencils for hand application of paste are charged by agreement

Fiducials : if you require fiducials on the stencil, you need to clearly state whether it is engraved into about 50µm depth of the material or burned through. Location of the fiducials is clearly determined by location in the gerber data or drawing. Any shape can be engraved.

Data orientation : In order, please enter, if data view is from the TOP side (the printer side) or BOTTOM side (the board side).

Location of the paste on the stencil : if you require different paste location then center, where the longer side is parallel with longer side og the stencil, please specify it in your order. Other location should be specified by drawing or picture.

Delivery time : Standard delivery time for SMT stencils is 3 working days, but can be shortened up to 8 hours express.

Pads size correction : Normally there is no need for any pad size correction, but if you or your assembly company require it, modification of pad size is not a problem.

Maximal dimensions of stencil : 600x600mm

Other : Other mechanical parts from steel can be also cutted on our machine.

  company adress :
Žateckých 1532/7
140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika

  place of business :
Technologický park Běchovice
190 11 Praha 9, Česká republika

tel: + 420 222 729 257, + 420 222 590 402
fax: + 420 222 724 032