The etching

  A perfect etching of DPS depends primarily on the correct chemical composition of the etching bath and subsequent rinsing of the residual etchant. The etching line LUMIPLAS is fitted with automated measuring of temperature, density of the bath and its pH. Drain of the saturated etchant and dosing of a new etchant take place automatically depending on the measured values. The conveyor makes it possible to set an optimal speed and its technology is adapted even to very thin materials. Behind the etching module there is a rinse by clean etchant and perfect wash of boards is ensured by 3-level water cascade.


  company adress :
Žateckých 1532/7
140 00 Praha 4, Česká republika

  place of business :
Technologický park Běchovice
190 11 Praha 9, Česká republika

tel: + 420 222 729 257, + 420 222 590 402
fax: + 420 222 724 032